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ITS Edulab > Developments > Development > Page 4


Start project Michel Meulenberg

Start master thesis project of Michel Meulenberg on improving the ramp metering control algorithm. The project looks at the possiblities to automatically adjust control parameters so the ramp metering systems will operate more efficiently.

Start project Marios Ntaflos

Start master thesis project of Charalampos Sideris on improving weaving behaviour with ITS. The project investigates the possibilities to use in-car systems to improve the merging process in busy situations.

Start project Charalampos Sideris

Start master thesis project of Charalampos Sideris on improving weaving behaviour with ITS. The project investigates the possibilities to use in-car systems to improve the weaving process in busy situations.

Defense Joost van Kampen

On February 26th, 2015, Joost van Kampen defended his MSc thesis on the development and simulation of an integrated traffic signal control and route guidance approach based on back-pressure control. His report is titled “Route Guidance and Signal Control Based on the Back-Pressure Algorithm

Defense Roel Goddijn

On January 29th, 2015, Roel Goddijn defended his MSc thesis on the development and simulation of a sub-network controller based on MFD’s and perimeter flows. His report is titled “Design of subnetwork controller based on MFD’s and perimeter flows

Defense Niharika Mahajan

On January 8th, 2015, Niharika Mahajan defended her MSc thesis on integrated control approach for variable speed limits and ramp-metering. Her report is titled “Integrated Approach to Variable Speed Limits & Ramp Metering“.

Defense Emiel van Eijk

On November 19th, 2014, Emiel van Eijk defended his MSc thesis on the use of in-vehicle information to improve traffic signal control in urban networks. His report is titled “Design of an urban traffic controller that incorporates route advice given by in-vehicle navigation systems“.

Start project Niharika Mahajan

Start master thesis project of Niharika Mahajan on dealing with wide moving traffic jams. The project investigates the possibilities to solve wide moving traffic jams with a combination of ramp metering and dynamic speed limits.

Start project Mark Meijerman

Start master thesis project of Mark Meijkerman on preventing congestion with dynamic speed limits. The project researches the possibilities to postpone or prevent the capacity drop with dynamic speed limits.

Start project Roel Goddijn

Start master thesis project of Roel Goddijn on the control of sub-networks. The project deals the use of the network fundamental diagram (NFD or MFD) to optimise control for sub-networks in a large urban network.