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Start project Lisa Priem

Start master thesis project of Lisa Priem on the use of vehicle data for traffic management purposes. The project deals with the possibilities to use uCAN data from vehicles for traffic management purposes.

Defense Robbert Beentjes

On November 1st, 2012, Robbert Beentjes defended his MSc thesis on the design of rush-hour lanes and pluslanes. His report is titled “Performance of rush-hour lanes and pluslanes – A study into behavioral factors and design factors“.

Defense David de Jong

On August 21st, 2012, David de Jong defended his MSc thesis on the effect of the network structure and signal settings on the macroscopic fundamental diagram and the applicability of the MFD for network management. His report is titled “The Effect of Network Structure and Signal Settings on the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram“.

Defense Jurgen Kuijvenhoven

On August 1st, 2012, Jurgen Kuijvenhoven defended his MSc thesis on the development and application of a new framework to determine speed limits for Dutch motorways. His report is titled “An Assessment Framework for the Speed Policy on Dutch Motorways“.

Defense Xiaoyun Zhang

On June 28th, 2012, Xiaoyun Zhang defended her MSc thesis on the modeling and simulation with Dynasmart of coordinated network managment for the Amsterdam network. Her report has the titel “A Framework for the Modeling and Ex-Ante Evaluation of Coordinated Network Management“.

Start project Alex Drăgan

Start master thesis project of Alex Drăgan on implementation issues of HOT lanes in The Netherlands. The project deals with the implementation issues of HOT lanes and will also estimate the effect on travel times and reliability.

Start project Manasse Hutte

Start master thesis project of Manasse Hutte on in-vehicle sensor data for traffic management. The project deals with data from the vehicle itself and how these data can bused to make traffic better and safer.

Start project Hans-Peter Kolen

Start master thesis project of Hans-Peter Kolen on modelling merging behaviour on a freeway on-ramp. The project will look into detail in the merging behaviour of drivers and will develop a model for that, which can be used in microscopic simulation tools.

Start project Robbert van der Kleij

Start master thesis project of Robbert van der Kleij on the analysis of scenarios using multi-class dynamic traffic management. The project will research the possibilities of using model-predictive control in the application of traffic management scenarios.

Start project Robbert Beentjes

Start master thesis project of Robbert Beentjes on the effectiveness of rush-hour lanes and plus-lanes. In the project the focus will be on the design of the lanes and the behaviour of road users (human factors).