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Defense Kejia Gao

On January 17th, 2012, Kejia Gao defended his MSc thesis on multi-objective optimization of traffic management to improve livability. His report has the titel “Multi-Objective Traffic Management for Livability“.

Start project Jurgen Kuijvenhoven

Start master thesis project of Jurgen Kuijvenhoven on an an assessment framework for a speed policy. The project will develop a framework to be able evaluate speed limits and their effects.

Start project David de Jong

Start master thesis project of David de Jong on the application of the MFD for subnetwork perimeter control. The project will investigate the possiblities to use the macroscopic fundamental diagram to improve the throughput in (sub)networks.

Defense Aroen Soekroella

On April 15th, 2011, Aroen Soekroella defended his MSc thesis on control strategies and their effects of separation of traffic by dynamic lane assignment. His report has the titel “Separation of Freeway Traffic Flows by Dynamic Lane Assignment“.

Defense Onno Miete

On January 13th, 2011, Onno Miete defended his MSc thesis on the variability in traffic and the consequenses for traffic management if varibility in traffic is taken into account. His report has the titel “Gaining new insights regarding traffic congestion by explicitly considering the variability in traffic“.

Defense Luyi Weng

On September 16th, 2010,Luyi Weng defended her MSc thesis on the design and simulation of a traffic management approach for Beijing. Her report has the titel “Concept Design and Evaluation of Traffic Management in Beijing“.

Defense Alvero Camilo Medina Soto

On September 7th, 2010, Alvero Camilo Mendina Soto defended his MSc thesis on the use of determination of causes of congestion on Dutch motorways. His report is entitled “Assessment of Non-Recurrent Congestion on Dutch Motorways“.

Start project Kejia Gao

Start master thesis project of Keija Gao on multi-objective traffic management for livability. The project will focus on the use of traffic management to improve livability conditions without any side effect on mobility.

Defense Ilse Schelling

On August 17th, 2010, Ilse Schelling defended her MSc thesis on the use of dynamic speed limits. Her report (written in Dutch) is entitled “Dynamic Speed Limits: Extension and Application“.

Defense Maarten Strating

Maarten Strating defended his MSc thesis with the title “Coordinated signal control for urban networks by using MFD” on April 15th, 2010.