Start project Maarten Strating
Start master thesis project of Maarten Strating on the coordination of controlled intersections and ramp metering to study the effects of coordinated traffic management around Amsterdam.
Start master thesis project of Maarten Strating on the coordination of controlled intersections and ramp metering to study the effects of coordinated traffic management around Amsterdam.
Suerd Polderdijk defended his MSc thesis with the title “Ex-post evaluation of network-wide Dynamic Traffic Management” on April 9th, 2009.
Start master thesis project of Wouter Schakel on the improvement of the EVAQ model to study evacuation scenarios.
Christiaan Hoogmoed defended his MSc thesis with the title “Verkeersinformatie vanuit de NDW” on February 12th, 2009.
Arnold van Veluwen defended his MSc thesis with the title “The influence of dynamic route guidance systems of traffic management” on January 21st, 2009.
Start master thesis project of Xiaoyu Qian on the effects of dynamic traffic management on the macroscopic fundamental diagram for large networks.
Yinyi Ma defended her MSc thesis with the title “Allocating Departure Time Slot to Optimize Dynamic Network Capacity” on December 9th, 2008.
Start of the PhD thesis project of Olga Huibregtse on the planning and management for exceptional circumstances.
Rudi Kraaijeveld defended his MSc thesis on Identification of vulnerable road sections on October 29th, 2008.
On October 22nd, 2008 Jop Vlaar defended his thesis on the effects of the use of alternative routes for truck traffic in a part of the network around the harbour of Rotterdam. His thesis was entitled “Alternative Routes A15 Maasvlakte-Vaanplein“