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ITS Edulab > Research questions > Research question > Evaluation method

Evaluation method

The Netherlands have a great deal of experience with implementing and evaluating intelligent transport systems (ITS). Since 1990, an improved use of existing infrastructure is an important topic in the Dutch traffic and transport policy. This has resulted in numerous implementations of traffic management measures, such as ramp metering systems, route information panels, freeway traffic management systems, etcetera. The implementation of the new measures had led to new knowledge about the effects of ITS, because evaluation is common practice in The Netherlands. In such evaluations attention is paid to socio-economic aspects and impact analysis and, recently, cost-benefit analysis becomes more important, but the focus is on local measures and effects on traffic flow operations. The research question is: how to extend the existing evaluation methodology to include network wide effects and impacts on safety and the environment?

Start date:
September 1, 2008

Research topic:
Traffic management

Related projects:
Evaluation of network wide traffic management
Assessment of non-recurrent congestion on Dutch motorways